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2018-11-142nd Biocontrol Lata

| Don´t Miss the Largest International Event to Cover Biocontrol in Latin America!

New Ag International, 2BMonthly, IBMA and ASOBIOCOL join forces to organise Biocontrol LATAM 2018 Conference & Exhibition - the largest international event to cover biocontrol in Latin America.

The 3 day meeting will feature selected presentations on key current Biocontrol topics delivered by world renowned speakers/organisations. Conference papers will contribute to our understanding of the role and use of biocontrol solutions in agriculture, including: ​

  • Glob
    al Biocontrol Market
  • Market for Biocontrol in LATAM
  • Main trends in the LATAM industry
  • Biocontrol Regulatory in LATAM
  • Biocontrol as a business – adoption by growers and distributors
  • Biocontrol and biostimulants: going together in LATAM? Biologicals Production and Formulation
  • Emerging technologies in microbials, natural extracts and semiochemicals


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