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2018-04-25International Conference on Renewable Energy – ICREN 2018

| Renewable Energy is one of the most important challenges that the world must address urgently. Governments and private companies are expanding investments in this field and the research is moving very quickly in several

This conference will be the opportunity to gather researchers from different subfields and have a global overview of the latest progress

One of the main targets is to attract the best papers and experts from all around the world. In order to promote excellence, awards will be offered to the outstanding submissions and all participants who would like to publish their full paper will have the opportunity to do it with ICREN 2018.


Advanced materials for energy storage
Advanced materials for energy generation and transmission
Photovoltaic and solar energy systems
Bioenergy and biofuels
Biomass conversion technologies
Wind energy technology and impact on environment
Thermal energy and building performance
Smart grid and electric transportation
Hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology applications
Energy recycling systems

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