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2017-12-14FIRA 2017 strengthens its position as a worldwide key event for agricultural robotics

Naïo Technologies |The second edition of the FIRA International Forum of Agricultural Robotics took place on November29 th and 30 th , 2017 and gathered over 400 participants in Toulouse, France. The Forum was organizedby Naïo Technologies and counted over 20 agrobot expert speakers, over 40 partners and anexhibition zone with a wide range of robots and equipment. The event’s success confirms FIRA’sposition as a key event for the booming AgTech industry.

Renowned guest speakers

Created in 2016 to unite all players in the field of agricultural robots, FIRA 2017 exceeded the expectations of its organizers, both in terms of attendance as well as in speaker quality. “We successfully met the challenge of gathering, in one single location, industrials, researchers, farmers, technology suppliers, distributors and competitors,” explains Gaëtan Séverac, Naïo Technologies co-founder, while insisting on the excellence of all guest speakers.

As soon as Aymeric Barthes, CEO of Naïo Technologies, had welcomed the participants, Simon Blackmore, Director of the National Center of Precision Agriculture at Harper Adams University and worldwide expert in agricultural robotics, presented his work, which involves a range of AgTech start-ups. He tackled some popular misconceptions about robots in agriculture and focused on a new agricultural model, where robots include a wide range of technological applications, such as laser weeding, and are capable of constant improvement.

Philippe Jeanneaux, teaching researcher at VetagroSup and rural economics expert, brought up the issue of decision-making in robotic agriculture. It was the second time he spoke at FIRA, just as it was for Maët Le Lan, who coordinates the Bretagne Sud experimental station of the Chamber of Agriculture and presented her work on using robots, such as Oz, to fight drudgery and hardship in agriculture.

Luc Valentin, a US agricultural consultant, added his insights on US agriculture, which adopts a very different scale: that of gigantic farms of several thousands of hectares, which have only very limited usage for robotics at this stage.

The next speakers lifted the veil on how robots arrive in our fields: Roland Lenain, Jean-Michel LeBars from RobAgri, a development association for agricultural robotics, Pal Johan from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Coralie Bos from Groupama insurance.

An emerging international dynamic

Robots and innovation were the focus of the second part of the day, with the Tibot poultry robot, vineyard weeding robot VitiBot, Ecorobotix from Switzerland, Robotti from Denmark, the Sitia Pumagri platform, biotech company Phenospex, which focuses on intelligent plant analysis, and an exhibition are that included Naïo Technologies’ entire robotic fleet: Oz, Dino and Ted.

Gérard Danibert, Marketing Director of Kubota Europe, presented his tractor robot and testified to the forum’s dynamic: “In a rapidly evolving agricultural world, the FIRA could be the link between new technology, innovative crop and culture techniques and autonomous solutions. The FIRA forum could highlight the most adequate and most durable solutions”.

The first day ended with a discussion on funding that put 3 venture capital funds in the spotlight: Capagro, Anterra and Demeter Ventures.

A majority of the speakers and public confirmed their commitment to the agricultural robotics sector by participating to next day’s bar camp. The workshops were organized around 4 main themes to stimulate thoughts on legal and security aspects, the relationship between robots and agronomics, the organization of the robotics industry and the position of farmers within the AgTech industry.

Aymeric Barthes, Naïo Technologies’ CEO and FIRA organizer, feels the event was given an extra dimension this year. “We really could feel the excitement of FIRA participants this year. The FIRA forum has gained international exposure and doesn’t only gather companies from the sector of agricultural robotics, it also allows a wide range of players to meet, discuss and truly work together. We’ve a lot to think about for the 2018 edition!”

Our most sincere thanks to all FIRA 2017 partners, who help set up the framework for the agricultural robot industry:

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