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2016-04-28RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION opens new site in Warrington, UK / CEO Thomas Moka about strategies and his view on the current market situation

Ringfeder Power Transmission |The United Kingdom has become the second most important European market for RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION. Germany is the only other place where the company, which is headquartered in Gross-Umstadt near Frankfurt am Main, is more successful. CEO Mr. Thomas Moka has acknowledged this development and wants to strengthen sales by opening branch in the UK. Right on time for the Drives & Controls exhibition, a regional warehouse for time-sensitive spare parts was put to operation.

“We are talking about a really great engineering site in the world”, says Mr. Thomas Moka about the region, which will be even more important for the company in the future. Moka is convinced that technical know-how at the highest level, combined with excellent access to Commonwealth markets, make the United Kingdom one of the most significant future factors for the international business of RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION. Be it India or Australia or the good connections in the US, UK companies are the best place to turn to when it comes to plant engineering, mining and conveyance as well as traditional machine construction.” The political leaders have managed a paradigm shift; just a few years ago, they have focused entirely on developing the service sector but today we could talk about the re-industrialization of the British Isles, Mr. Moka explains.

One experienced distribution expert for three renowned global trademarks made in Germany By taking Mr. Adrian Birkin on board, the medium-sized German company has also brought in a very accomplished salesperson. Up until some months ago, he was working for a strongly expanding Indian belts and hose manufacturer, and has more than 20 years of experience on the British market. In the autumn of 2015, he joined RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION and started to familiarize himself with our products and regular customers. “Our RINGFEDER, GERWAH and TSCHAN trademarks have an enormous potential,” the new man on the team says, and mentions, among other things, the TSCHAN TNR as a door opener when talking to new customers.

Unlike commonly used, torsional elastic shaft couplings, the new TNR is adjustable and therefore allows for a smoother start-up of power transmissions. This is not only ideal for compressors, pumps, generators and crushers, but it is also perfectly suited for all fields of power generation using combustion engines, such as emergency power aggregates and mobile generators. What makes it so special is that the parameters of the TSCHAN TNR can be adjusted within a certain wide rage, while its outer dimensions remain the same. The coupling becomes “adjustable” because the elastic buffers are separated one from another and, as a result, are ordered in series. This simply requires a smart combination of available elastomers on an inner and an outer buffer plane, respectively.

RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION is part of the Swedish VBG Group, which operates a large site in Warrington between Liverpool and Manchester in the north west of Great Britain for years. “The existing infrastructure will certainly be beneficial to us but we will also have our own warehouse and back-office right from the start so we can best support Adrian and his team”, says Mr. Thomas Moka.

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