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2017-08-30BCBT 2017

| BCBT is an annual international summer school that promotes a shared systems-level understanding of the functional architecture of the brain and its possible emulation in artificial systems.

This chool addresses students and researchers involved in research at the interface between brains and technology such as in the ambit of “Bio-ICT convergence” "Brain Inspired ICT" and “cognitive systems and robotics”.

Students will have the opportunity to attend lectures from prominent scientists in the field of brain research, cognitve science and neuroscience, artificial intelligent and related fields. Students will also attend tutorials and work on projects that will be presented at the end of the 2 weeks of the summer school.

This year, in collaboration with the SPECS_lab of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the school is supported by the ERC project CDAC that investigates the role in adaptive of consciousness behavior combining empirical, computational and robot based approach.

The 2nd week of the school is supported by Episense, a project that investigates brain mechanisms of perception and memory. Episense is a subproject of the Human Brain Project (HBP) a EU-funded Flagship Initiative designed to help advance neuroscience, medicine and computing.

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Información del evento

  • -
  • 30 de agosto - 8 de septimbre de 2017
  • Mail
  • Web