Noticias Actualidad en procesos industriales

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2018-11-16LANXESS invests in production for ion exchange resins in Leverkusen, Germany

LANXESS |Specialty chemicals company LANXESS is investing in its ion exchange resin production facility at the Leverkusen, Germany, site. The company is optimizing its process technology and operating efficiency for a seven-figure EUR amount. The project is scheduled for completion in the first half of 2019.
  • Investment of seven-figure EUR amount
  • Project to be completed in the first half of 2019

“For our ion exchange resins business, we see great potential in numerous future-oriented industries. We intend to make even better use of this potential by optimizing our technology,” said Rainier van Roessel, member of the Board of Management at LANXESS AG. “At the same time, with this investment, we are further strengthening the position of the Leverkusen site as the heart of our production operations in Germany.”

Demand for ion exchange resins is for example rising in the battery industry, driven in particular by the trend toward electromobility. The metals essential for battery cell production – lithium, nickel and cobalt – can be extracted by means of ion exchange resins.

Little all-rounders

Ion exchange resins are polymer beads that absorb undesirable substances in fluids. Depending on the substance, differently functionalized beads are used.

Possible household applications include, for example, softening water in dishwashers and cartridges in household water filters. Here, ion exchange resins remove undesired calcium and magnesium salts or lead and copper ions from tap water. This improves the quality and taste of the drinking water.

In power plants, the polymer beads are used in the production of highly purified water and steam. Deposits and corrosion can thereby be prevented and efficiency, operational safety and service life increased. Furthermore, ion exchange resins help in removing selected heavy metals, such as mercury and cadmium, and organic pollutants from both groundwater and industrial wastewater.

Leading provider of water treatment solutions

The LANXESS Liquid Purification Technologies (LPT) business unit is one of the world‘s most important providers of water treatment solutions. In addition to ion exchange resins, the specialty chemicals company offers membrane filter elements for reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration membranes. LANXESS is one of very few companies to offer these two different, complementary water treatment technologies from a single source.

In addition to Leverkusen, the business unit operates further plants for the production of ion exchange resins in Bitterfeld, Germany, and in Jhagadia, India. Moreover, LANXESS manufactures reverse osmosis membrane filters in Bitterfeld. The LPT business unit is headed by Bettina Blottko and employs around 530 people worldwide, with roughly 120 of those in Leverkusen.

is a leading specialty chemicals company with sales of EUR 9.7 billion in 2017 and about 19,200 employees in 25 countries. The company is currently represented at 74 production sites worldwide. The core business of LANXESS is the development, manufacturing and marketing of chemical intermediates, additives, specialty chemicals and plastics. LANXESS is listed in the leading sustainability indices Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World and Europe) and FTSE4Good.

UNAM reduce tiempo, peso y costo de espejos para telescopios

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¿Cómo de cerca estamos de los aerotaxis? En España y Francia, más de lo que creemos

El ser humano ha logrado moverse con cierta libertad por tierra, mar y aire. En los grandes núcleos urbanos, el transporte terrestre sigue siendo el rey, relegando el aire para tareas exclusivas como vigilancia o transporte médico. Pero más pronto de lo que podríamos suponer, los aerotaxis podrían verse por el cielo de las ciudades con la naturalidad con la que ahora vemos taxis por las calles.

Desechos industriales, materia prima para fabricar cerámica

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El sector textil: en camino hacia la sostenibilidad y la economía circular

La industria textil fábrica prendas de vestir y un sinnúmero de accesorios que se han vuelto productos de primera necesidad. Este sector, que ha experimentado un constante crecimiento en respuesta a las necesidades personalizadas de los consumidores, también se enfrenta a la problemática del impacto ambiental. La principal problemática derivada de la producción de ropa, telas y fibras es el desperdicio y consumo excesivo. Esta industria es la segunda más contaminante, después de la industria petrolera, general alrededor de 92 millones de toneladas de residuos textiles se generan anualmente.

La inteligencia artificial ayudó a los científicos a crear un nuevo tipo de batería

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Así es el proyecto de aerotaxi de la NASA

¿Has imaginado alguna vez navegar los cielos de tu ciudad en un taxi? Desde los inicios de la aviación, la idea de transportar pasajeros por el aire no parece una idea alocada. En este sentido, un taxi volador promete ser la solución a todos los problemas de congestión urbana de automóviles. Al respecto, la NASA ha venido trabajando en un proyecto de aerotaxi.